AS Nutrition | Buy Supplements Online | NTGear
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AS Nutrition

Welcome to our category page for AS Nutrition – a brand that has quickly established itself as a leading player in the supplement industry since its inception in Helsingborg, Sweden in 2022. Founded by Alexander Samuelsson, owner of, AS Nutrition is dedicated to delivering high-quality products that help you achieve your fitness goals and improve your overall health.

With us, you will find a selection of products from AS Nutrition, carefully designed to meet the needs of both beginners and experienced athletes. Whether you want to increase your strength, speed up recovery, or ensure you’re getting all the essential nutrients, we have the right supplements for you.

AS Nutrition offers high-quality products like Whey Protein and Isolate Protein for clean and effective muscle building, EAA for essential amino acid supplementation, and Cream Of Rice for long-lasting energy. Their Creatine Monohydrate enhances strength and endurance, while Omega-3 and Multi (multivitamin) support your overall health.

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Shaker, 700 ml
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Smelling Salt V.1 (Ammonia Inhalant)
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