Support for the lower back during exercise | NTGear
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Support for the lower back during exercise

by Nordic Training Gear 3 min read

To have a strong and healthy lower back is crucial for achieving optimal performance and preventing injuries during exercise. There are several methods to provide support and protection for the lower back, from using training equipment like lifting belts to exercises that strengthen the back muscles. In this article, we will explore various ways to support the lower back during exercise and the importance of choosing the right training equipment and strengthening the lower back through targeted exercises.

Lifting belts and other protective measures for the lower back

  1. Lifting belts: These belts are designed to provide support and stability to the lower back and abdominal muscles during exercise, especially during heavy lifts or exercises that place a significant load on the back. They help maintain the spine in a safe position and reduce the risk of injuries. You can find our high-quality lifting belts here.
  2. Kinesiology tape: Kinesiology tape is an elastic tape that can be applied directly to the skin to provide support and stability to muscles and joints. It can be used to alleviate pain and discomfort and to improve mobility and function in the lower back during exercise.
  3. Stability exercises: Exercises that focus on improving core and lower back stability can be beneficial in preventing injuries and improving performance. Examples of such exercises include planks, side planks, and trunk rotations.
Support for the lower back during exercise

Exercises to strengthen the lower back

To protect the lower back and prevent injuries, it is important to strengthen the muscles that surround and support the spine. Here are some exercises that can help strengthen the lower back:
  1. Back extensions: Back extensions are a fundamental and effective exercise for strengthening the lower back muscles. Ensure proper technique and adjust the number of repetitions according to your own abilities to avoid overloading the back.
  2. Bird dog: Bird dog is a functional exercise that strengthens both the back and abdominal muscles while improving balance and coordination. Perform the exercise slowly and with control to ensure proper technique and prevent overloading the back.
  3. Superman: The Superman exercise is another effective exercise for strengthening the lower back muscles while engaging the abdominal muscles. By lifting both arms and legs simultaneously, you can work on improving the strength and endurance of the back.
  4. Core strengthening exercises: Exercises that focus on strengthening the core, such as planks and side planks, can be highly beneficial in strengthening and stabilizing the lower back. Having a strong core can provide better support to the spine and reduce the load on the lower back.
  5. Deadlifts: Deadlifts are a powerful exercise for strengthening the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. When performed correctly, deadlifts can contribute to improving the stability and strength of the back. Ensure proper technique and adjust the weight according to your own abilities.

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Stretching and mobility

To prevent injuries and keep the lower back healthy, it is important to also focus on stretching and mobility exercises. Regularly stretching the muscles around the lower back, such as hip flexors, hamstrings, and glutes, can help reduce tension and improve the mobility of the spine. Mobility exercises like cat and cow, spinal rotations, and child's pose can also be helpful in increasing mobility and reducing stiffness in the lower back.


Protecting and supporting the lower back during exercise is crucial to prevent injuries and ensure safe and effective training. By using the right training equipment, such as lifting belts, and focusing on strengthening the lower back through targeted exercises and stretching, we can ensure that our back remains healthy and strong. Remember to listen to your body and seek professional advice if you experience pain or discomfort in the lower back during exercise.
Nordic Training Gear
Max Andrén
Writer & Co-Owner

Max Andrén is a writer and co-owner of Nordic Training Gear
He has a great passion for gym training and training accessories

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