When should you use knee support? | NTGear
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When should you use knee support?

by Nordic Training Gear 3 min read

The knees are one of the body parts that are exposed to the most load, shock and pressure. During training and sports, knee injuries are one of the most common types of injuries that occur. Knee injuries often occur due to improper loading, overexertion, weakness or inflammation of muscles. It is important to quickly identify the type of knee injury you have suffered, so that you can then try to stabilize the knee again.

If you have weak knees, you can quickly discover this. Both during everyday activities and during training. The knee is a central and very sensitive joint that can easily be damaged regardless of whether you are very active or not active at all. If you move too little, the knees need support, but if you move too much, the knees can be overloaded.

It is important to pay attention to if you start to get sensations in your knees. Then it may be time to start using, for example, knee support early on as a preventive measure. By using knee pads, you can get stability and support in your knee joints. A knee support that is stabilizing with a comfortable compression can be used for support both in everyday life and during training.

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Knee support during exercise

When knee support is to be used, it can be both for preventive purposes and in rehabilitation after knee injury. The purpose of knee support is to fix and stabilize the knee in the right direction and position.

It is important to protect your knees against injuries when you exercise, therefore knee support can be used during exercise as a preventative measure. These types of knee support focus on providing support, compression and warmth. Knee support can be advantageously used during training where there is a risk of knee injuries and where the knees need extra stability.

When exercising, the knee joints are exposed to a high load and the muscles around the knees need to be kept warm and soft to minimize the risk of injury. The knee support can help with this. Knee support also help prevent wear and tear and overloading of the knees.

Knee support

Advantages of using knee support

There are many benefits to using knee support when exercising. These advantages are, for example, that knee support increase your performance, knee support can prevent injuries, they provide pain relief, they increase blood circulation and they can be used with advantage in injury rehabilitation.

Knee support work in such a way that they have a compression that increases blood circulation and response in the knee. Which in turn leads to you being able to perform more controlled and stable movements.

Many weightlifters use knee support when doing, for example, squats. As a result of the support and stability that the knee support provides, they can load more weights on the bar. If you are going to use knee support during training, you should put them on before warming up. This is to get the maximum effect of heat and circulation right from the start of the training session.

When using knee support, it also becomes easier to perform various movements in a better way. This applies both to balance, coordination and muscle activity. Knee support with compression can help you jump higher and run faster, for example. It is also possible to reach an ideal activity temperature more quickly when using a knee support, which means that the joint is well prepared when it is time to start training. It is effective after an activity because the knee support also causes the temperature to be lowered slowly. Order our knee support here.
Nordic Training Gear
Max Andrén
Writer & Co-Owner

Max Andrén is a writer and co-owner of Nordic Training Gear
He has a great passion for gym training and training accessories

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