Why use a belt during deadlift? | NTGear
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Why use a belt during deadlift?

by Nordic Training Gear 2 min read

Deadlift is one of the most fundamental and effective strength exercises. Not only does it activate several major muscle groups, but it is especially prominent in strengthening the back. However, with this efficiency comes the need for caution. Therefore, many turn to the belt as a tool for safety and support. But why really use a belt for deadlift? In this article, we explore the reasons, benefits, and proper use of a belt during deadlift.

What does a belt do?

When talking about belts in a strength training context, people usually mean lifting belts. These belts are thick and wide, designed to fit snugly around the waist. The primary function of the belt is to increase intra-abdominal pressure. This means that when you take a deep breath and tense the abdominal muscles, you create an internal pressure that supports and stabilizes your lower spine.

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Benefits of using a belt during deadlift:

  1. Increased stability: With the help of a belt, one can increase core stability, which is crucial when lifting heavy weights. The reduced range of motion that the belt offers can help keep the spine in a neutral position throughout the lift.
  2. Reduces the risk of injury: By increasing intra-abdominal pressure and providing extra support to the lower spine, the belt can reduce the risk of back injuries.
  3. Helps with technique: The belt can act as a reminder to tense the core and breathe correctly, which are key factors in ensuring good technique during deadlift.
  4. Potential strength increase: With increased safety and stability, one can feel more confident adding more weight, which can lead to improved strength over time.
Why use a belt during deadlift?

When and how should you use the belt for deadlift?

It is not always necessary, or even recommended, to use a belt for every set or every workout. For beginners, it might be better to avoid the belt initially to learn the basics of good technique and build natural core strength. But as the weights get heavier and you start approaching your maximum lifts, the belt can become an invaluable tool.

When using the belt for deadlift, make sure it fits securely around the waist. Take a deep breath into the abdomen (not the chest) before the lift, hold your breath, and tense your abdominal muscles against the belt. This will create the necessary intra-abdominal pressure to support the spine.

Summary: Why use a belt during deadlift?

While deadlift is an extremely effective exercise for building strength, it also comes with a need for caution and awareness of proper technique. A belt can provide the additional support required to lift heavily safely. Like all tools, however, it should be used correctly and in the right context to benefit from its full potential. Want to know more about our high-quality belts? Check out our collection of lifting belts.
Nordic Training Gear
Max Andrén
Writer & Co-Owner

Max Andrén is a writer and co-owner of Nordic Training Gear
He has a great passion for gym training and training accessories

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