Best exercises in Strongman | NTGear
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Best exercises in Strongman

by Nordic Training Gear 2 min read

Strongman is fantastic training for building brutal strength, endurance, and functional power. However, it's not just for professional athletes, regular people can also benefit from the total body strength this type of training offers. Let's dive into some of the best Strongman exercises and how they can be integrated into your training routine.

1. Atlas Stones

Atlas Stones are considered one of the most iconic Strongman exercises. This exercise involves lifting a large, heavy, round stone and placing it on a platform. Atlas Stones are excellent for building up total body strength, particularly in the back, legs, arms, and grip.

2. Farmers Walk

Farmers Walk is a fantastic exercise for building both strength and endurance. It involves holding a heavy object in each hand and walking over a set distance. This exercise engages the whole body, but specifically the shoulders, grip strength, and lower body.
Best exercises in Strongman

3. Yoke Walk

Yoke Walk is another Strongman exercise that tests both strength and endurance. A heavy object is carried on the shoulders and you walk over a set distance. This exercise challenges your balance, strength, and stability to the max.

4. Tire Flips

Tire Flips are a unique Strongman exercise that involves flipping a large, heavy tire repeatedly over a distance. This exercise is perfect for building explosive strength and power, while also being an excellent cardio workout.

5. Log Press

Log Press is another classic Strongman exercise where you lift a specially designed log from the ground to overhead. This exercise tests the whole body's strength, with a particular focus on shoulders, arms, and back.

6. Circus Dumbbell

Circus Dumbbell is a one-arm press exercise that uses a larger and heavier variant of a dumbbell. This exercise challenges your upper body strength, especially the shoulders and arms, while also strengthening your grip strength and balance.

Integrating Strongman Exercises Into Your Training

Strongman exercises can easily be integrated into your current training routine. As these exercises often involve lifting and carrying heavy weights over distances, they help to build strength and endurance throughout the body in a functional and practical way. They offer a great complement to traditional strength training and can help improve your performance in other sports or activities. To get the most out of your Strongman training, we at NTGear offer a wide range of Strongman equipment.
Nordic Training Gear
Max Andrén
Writer & Co-Owner

Max Andrén is a writer and co-owner of Nordic Training Gear
He has a great passion for gym training and training accessories

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